2 Ways to Give

Thank you for considering giving.
New Heights is committed to bringing Help, Hope and Home to a hurting world through Jesus Christ. God gives us the privilege of partnering with Him in all that He seeks to do.
Online giving is not only easy, but safe and secure.
See our FAQ for more about our online giving system.
When You Give
These are just some of the ways that the Lord is using your offering.
- Encourage and evangelize young moms
- Plant thriving churches in Vietnam
- Give medical aid to the poor and underserved
- Help kids make life changing decisions at camp
- Translate the Bible in Papua, Indonesia and Cameroon, Africa
- Provide a support group for those struggling with mental illness
- Share the Good News with business people in a way that connects
- Strengthen the church in Uganda
- Start churches through the Pacific Northwest
- Provide for the homeless in our community
A Word of Caution
Giving is a powerful way to worship and thank the Lord, Who has provided all that we have. But we must be careful that we don’t give as a way of manipulating God. It must be done from a heart of worship and gratitude. Additionally, giving by electronic means, even though convenient, brings a responsibility to make sure that we are not increasing our indebtedness.
Giving Statements
All donations made to New Heights are held in the strictest confidence.
- Yearly statements of contributions will be available in January.
- You can view your giving history online at any time.