And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.

Ephesians 1:22-23

Recognizing Jesus as our ultimate authority, New Heights Church is directed by a Board of Elders composed of members, including the Lead Pastor, who meet the biblical qualifications outlined in scripture (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-3; Heb. 13). In addition to spiritual oversight, the Elders at New Heights also provide practical and functional leadership within the church. While the Elders provide oversight, the Senior Leadership Team is tasked with strategizing and leading teams to carry out the church’s ministry under the Lead Pastor’s guidance.

Board of Elders

Matt Edmonds
Matt EdmondsElder - Lead Pastor
Brett Bryant
Brett BryantElder - Vice Chair
Nehemias Gutiérrez
Nehemias GutiérrezElder
Greg Joy
Greg JoyElder
John Kimber
John KimberElder - Board Chair
Pete Lubisich
Pete LubisichElder
Steve Boe
Steve BoeElder
Kris Olsen
Kris OlsenElder
Bryan Halbert
Bryan HalbertElder
Mark Johnson
Mark JohnsonElder

Senior Leadership Team

Matt Edmonds
Matt EdmondsLead Pastor
Julie Boe
Julie BoeExecutive Director of Operations
John McLeod
John McLeodCampus Pastor - Battle Ground
Corey Hancock
Corey HancockCampus Pastor - Central Vancouver
JP Mumley
JP MumleyCampus Pastor - East Vancouver
Oscar Suárez
Oscar SuárezCampus Pastor - Iglesia Nuevas Alturas
Mark Hartley
Mark HartleyCampus Pastor - West Vancouver
Justin Laskowski
Justin LaskowskiStudent Ministry Director
Patricia Tiernan
Patricia TiernanKids Ministry Director
Chad Leonard
Chad LeonardProduction Director
Amy Ruth
Amy RuthCommunication Director
Natalie Myers
Natalie MyersDirector of Groups

Congregational Vote

Informally, the people of New Heights vote every time you show up, every time you serve and every time you give – but once a year, the members of New Heights are invited to formalize their trust in the leadership of New Heights and affirm the ministry that happens with a congregational vote.

Dec 5/8, 2024

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