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Summer Camp

Quick Details

Depart: Thursday at New Heights Main
Return: Sunday at New Heights Main


What’s Summer Escape all about?

We know that the life of a young adult is often crazy and hectic, so we work hard to make Summer Escape a time for you to slow down, relax, and just have some fun. At camp you can expect to laugh and play, enjoy great meals, and get lots of quality time with old and new friends. But not only will you have fun, you’ll get a chance to deepen your faith and grow closer to God. It’s a weekend you won’t want to miss. And we can’t wait to have you with us!


Tell me more …

We will be staying at Ghormley Meadows.

What to Bring
Clothes, sleeping bag, personal items (soap, toothbrush, etc) towel, swimsuit, sunscreen, bible, notebook, pen, camera, flashlight. Bring money for 1 meal and extras expenses.

Late Arrival
If you need to arrive or depart at a different time, then you can drive on your own or carpool with someone else. Please indicate how you will be traveling by checking the appropriate box on the registration form. Be sure to include the driver’s name and your estimated arrival day & time.




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