Meet the McLeods!

The McLeod family, from left to right: Corrie (1), Alexa, Ellis (3), and John

Although fresh to Clark County, the McLeods are no strangers to the Pacific Northwest. Washington born and raised, John grew up in a small town on Whidbey Island. It was there, as a high schooler, he accepted the invitation of a friend and found himself at church for the first time ever. Navigating the tensions of a broken family at home, he was immediately impacted by the stability and warmth of this church family. Just a few months after he first walked through the doors, John placed his faith in Jesus. 

As John’s faith increased, so did his love for the people of God’s Church. In those late teen years, a stirring began as John daydreamed about someday serving in church leadership, replicating the life-changing care and hospitality he had received from his home church. 

Following the Lord’s leading, John headed off to southern California to attend Bible college. Along with a degree in Biblical Studies, he also gained a wife – Alexa. 

In 2017, the young couple returned to the Puget Sound, launching a new church a few months after they were married. A natural community builder, John thrived in the adventure of church planting. The disruption of Covid hit their rural town and new church hard. John accepted a position as an Associate Pastor at a nearby church while waiting to see what God had in store for their family long term. 

It was in that season of waiting John enrolled at Western Seminary, pursing his master’s degree. A friendship grew with fellow students, Mark Hartley and Justin Laskowski and John was introduced to New Heights Church. He quickly recognized it as a place similar to the church that first introduced him to Jesus, where people are embraced with care right where they are at.

As John steps into the role of Campus Pastor at Battle Ground, he’s eager to continue the “daydream” of his youth – using the gifts God has given Him to love the people of North Clark County and point them to Jesus. 


A warm welcome!

Don’t miss the chance to send John a quick hello, your favorite Battle Ground recommendations or a note of encouragement.

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