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Quick Details

Drop off: 4:30pm on Friday at New Heights Main
Pick Up: 2pm on Sunday at New Heights Main

Registration Deadline: Thursday, May 2
Parent Release: It’s mandatory that parents read and complete this form. Download here.
Information for Registered Students: Download here.

What to Expect

This trip stands apart from the other camps we offer. Other camps are more tailored towards serving the students. This is the only camp that is truly about serving someone else. Yet, in so doing, students often grow more over this weekend than they do at our other events and – surprisingly for the students themselves – even have more fun in the process.

The camp feels different from the very beginning. We split into 5 separate teams and head out to spend the first night of camp in 5 different rural towns where a local church has graciously agreed to host us.

Saturday morning, each team participates in a local service project, offering some form of meaningful assistance to that church, the town, or a family living in the area. That afternoon, each team will head back towards Vancouver where we’ll meet at Royal Ridges Retreat Center. There we’ll meet and share stories about our experiences.

Sunday morning will be a time of additional teaching and an on-site service project. We’ll leave to return to New Heights Main after lunch.

What to Bring

2 full changes of clothing including:
• Rain Coat
• Sweatshirt
1 addtional pair of work clothes
1 pair of closed-toe work shoes
1 pair of work gloves
Sleeping bag/Pillow
Sleeping Pad (optional)
Towel, Toiletries
Water Bottle
Bug spray
Bible, Pen, Notebook
$5 – $10 for dinner on Friday



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